Well, I've had quite a busy two weeks for book-buying! I've also been loading up my kindle ready for the return to work and its bus and train travel.
Dark Angels by Katherine Langrish (won signed copy from the author via Twitter).
This is my exciting acquisition of the fortnight. I won this in a draw simply by retweeting a link to the atmospheric new trailer for it. I was so thrilled!
The book is a medieval fantasy set on Devil's Edge (based on Stiperstones) about a young boy called Wolf who runs away and gets caught up in a scary adventure involving elves and a ghostly hunt. I loved Langrish's West of the Moon and am looking forward to devouring this one. Find more info on Amazon UK
So now we move onto my purchased new reads:
Bloodstone by Gillian Philip (read my review here).
Having loved Firebrand, the first in the series, I was extremely keen to read this, the second instalment. I recommend this series wholeheartedly to lovers of fantasy and YA.
Find more info at Amazon UK

Find more info at Amazon UK

and Only the Good Spy Young (more info) by Ally Carter
These are books 3 and 4 in the excellent Gallagher Girls series about a selective independent girls' school which is actually a training ground for spies. I've read the first and we have the second in the house already as my 12 yr old reads these too. In fact, I haven't seen these two for a while. Hmm.
And now we come to my Kindle-fest, which is a glorious mixture. I bought:
The Wombles by Elisabeth Beresford, because it's 99p at the moment and my 7 yr old wanted to try reading on the Kindle and it seemed like (and was!) a good idea.
Florence and Giles by John Harding, because Nicola Morgan recommended it and it sounded like a great read: elements of the gothic and perhaps psychological thriller, and with a highly creative approach to language. It sounds like the first-person narration uses a lot of quite specific idiolect, creating many new words largely by playing with word class . Looking forward to reading this!
The Opposite of Amber by Gillian Philip, because I've loved her Rebel Angels books and have also heard great things about this. It's a quite different style to Firebrand and Bloodstone, but is still YA. It's a contemporary realistic novel which is described as a thriller, but many reviewers are saying that it is much more character-driven than the thriller label makes it seem. It seems to mostly be about the relationship two sisters share.
Tracking the Tempest by Nicole Peeler. This is the second in her Jane True series and the first (Tempest Rising) was a great read. This is smart and funny urban fantasy set in a world with a whole range of supernatural beings. I'll be reviewing both of these together on Thursday, but if you like UF these are well worth checking out.

Undead and Unemployed;
Undead and Unappreciated by MaryJanice Davidson because I read the fourth in the series from the library years ago and really enjoyed it. I came across them in the Kindle Store and remembered how much I'd laughed, so I bought the first three to be going on with. These are comedy urban fantasy, I suppose, since they take place in an urban setting and are about vampires. There is also (I think - but I'm not at all a connoisseur of the genre) more than a hint of chick lit thrown in there too. These are definitely the girliest books I have enjoyed!
Ooh,I'm looking forward to your reviews. I have a PILE of books to get through at the moment and I'm kind of stalled on Cloud Atlas. Which reminds me, I should book swap today!
ReplyDeleteThe MaryJanice Davidson books look interesting! I'm going to give American Gods a try. I heard a Guardian Books podcast of Gaiman talking about the book at the Edinburgh Book Festival, and it sounded really cool. Great book picks.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the Gallagher Girls series. I reread the first three books a while ago and then I read Only the Good Spy Young a couple weeks ago. I can't wait for the next book!
ReplyDeleteSo much to love here! I love Neil Gaiman. I enjoyed the first 2 Gallagher Girls books (and recommend them to my nieces). Those Undead books sound great - I'll look them up.
Great recommendations. Happy to connect with you in the write campaign. Now a follower on your blog and Twitter :).
ReplyDeleteSo I'm not the only one with a Kindle loaded to the hilt with reads? And a bookcase creaking at the joints!
ReplyDeleteLove Neil Gaiman, not read that one. Very tempted to add it to the wish list. Looking forward to more of your recommended reads.
Nice set of books this week. I like the Undead series but the last book just didn't do it for me :o(
ReplyDeleteHappy reading,
Book Sniffers Anonymous