Monday 11 July 2011

Where I've been

Marking. Marking. Marking. That's the reason for my poor neglected blog. But soon it will be the summer holidays and then I'll have time to do all the stuff I've been putting off all year and reorganise my wardrobe and tidy my desk and ... But first I'll sleep.

So, I do apologise for going rather quiet lately. It's always like this, at this time of year. I think I'll have loads of time, as half the students have finished college and things are a bit less fraught with the exams over. Except there's planning for next year and someone always has some bright idea that'll cause us a ton of extra admin and/or invalidate a load of planning we just did. Oh, and don't forget the reviews: how was this year? Did we really try hard enough? Couldn't we have done just a little bit more...? So, those bright and breezy end-of-term days are a complete myth and I have even less 'free' time than earlier in the year!

Anyway, since I'm giving you nothing here, you may want to go and check out the Awfully Big Blog Adventure Lit Fest, which happened this weekend. All the posts are there, and most of the competitions stay open until the 20th July. I was planning to do a review of it today, but I haven't got through half the posts yet - new stuff, every half an hour for a whole weekend is a lot of content! So far, I've managed to add a few books to my ever-growing wishlist, and I've seen some great videos of brilliant authors chatting about their books and various other stuff, and I've learnt some more useful stuff and gained some good ideas. So go check it out - it's well worth it.

Normal service will resume soon - or some new version of normality, once I can gather the time to give some serious thought to this blog.

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